The Vision for Attigo™
Attigo was founded by two people who've devoted a large amount of time learning a second language. After spending countless hours inside language labs and fumbling with cassette tapes (yes, they still exist), they set out to improve the status quo with the help of web technology. In other words, they wanted to build something we would want to use themselves. Our goal was to empower teachers with an easy to use tool that would improve language retention, and make their jobs easier by delivering a virtual immersion environment on demand.
The first version of Attigo launched in 2009, offering Chinese language training to students learning Chinese in secondary schools and colleges. In 2012, we launched our English product to bring the same benefits those teaching and learning English.
About The Company
In addition to Attigo Virtual Language Immersion, we're also the folks behind Pay4Bugs.com, and the iPhone Apps LogVu and Instant Supercar. Attigo is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. With a subsidiary in Hong Kong and offices in Guangzhou, China. To learn more about what we do, please visit Appartisan.com